The AIS X-Ray Micron Scan is 225x more powerful than a standard food inspection system

Our newest and most advanced scanner offers a resolution 225 times more powerful than a standard x-ray food inspection system1.
Extremely Powerful Detection
The extremely high resolution of this scanner is achieved using advanced linear sensors that can accurately detect minute contaminants. Its detection capabilities are increased by the sensor being less dependent on the orientation and location of a foreign body within the product.
The AIS X-Ray Micron Scan can detect glass fragments down to 1.0mm and stainless steel wire to 0.1mm as well as stone, calcified bone and certain rubbers and plastics.
The Micron Scan excels at the inspection of loose products such as flours or powders where the contaminants are likely to be extraordinarily small and difficult to detect.
This level of detection is not possible on today’s high speed production lines. The Micron Scan is designed to operate off-line and – to achieve optimum accuracy – be operated by our expert staff.
Quality assurance, assured
Our x-ray inspection service allows you to outsource or verify your quality assurance procedure for a challenging contaminant issue.
Potentially affected product batches can be delivered to AIS, inspected, and any safe product returned to the shelves in a very short turn-around.
AIS offer an alternative high resolution x-ray scanner, the Ultra Scan, to deploy at near-line and off-line locations at your own premises.

AIS X-Ray Ultra Scan
The Ultra Scan offers a resolution 15 times more powerful than a standard system and can be installed at your premises on a short-term basis.
- The following resolution can be achieved in a 15cm x 15cm product sample:
Typical food inspection system – 140,000 data points
AIS X-Ray Ultra Scan – 600,000 data points
AIS X-Ray Micron Scan – 9,000,000 data points
Request a Free Sample Inspection
We offer a reasonably immediate appraisal of what can be achieved with your product or particular container. Simply send a sample of your product for inspection, or call us – we can often evaluate the issue on the phone.