X-Ray Glass Detection in Food Packaging & Glass Containers

X-Ray detection of glass contaminants in food and glass packaging faults

X-ray of glass contaminant in glass coffee jar

Glass packaging such as glass bottles, glass containers and glass jars are prone to a variety of quality issues while glass shards contamination pose an obvious consumer health risk. Breakages and glass contamination in food can happen despite the strictest safety procedures.

X-ray glass contaminants detection in food is the most reliable and cost-effective method for food manufacturers, pharmaceuticals and many other sectors.

What are the benefits of using high resolution x-ray to inspect glass containers and food products for glass contamination?

The only practical technology available to inspect food products for glass fragment contamination is high resolution x-ray and over the past 30 years has progressively become adopted as the standard for glass packaging and glass container inspection. 

Although the type of glass typically used for glass containers is of relatively low radiographic absorption, significant advances in detector technology can now deliver excellent, reliable and consistent detection. If you do not have an installed on-line x-ray inspection system and are concerned that you may potentially have a glass contamination incident, please contact us as we regularly assist manufacturers in this situation.

As well as glass containers inspection we can also detect glass fragments contamination in metal or in low density packaging formats including bags of raw material ingredients.

Reliable x-ray glass contamination detection, even in glass packaging

AIS’ specialist x-ray food inspection technology can be customised to the exacting requirements of your product, packaging and problem.

We can detect minute glass shards (and many other contaminants) in food and within all shapes and sizes of box or packet.

How does x-ray glass contamination detection work?

Our high resolution x-ray sensors offer glass detection down to 1.0mm and can detect glass within glass packaging down to 2.0mm.

We can inspect bulk goods and single packs, while some items can be inspected in the case or carton – saving valuable time.

Reliable glass detection

Even glass within glass packaging

Short shelf-life?

We offer an incredibly rapid turn-around

Our x-ray machines can simultaneously detect glass contaminants in food, glass packaging and many common quality issues including:

  • Glass contaminant within a glass container
  • Glass packaging faults such as cracked or damaged containers
  • Low fill level
  • Agglomerates

Our x-ray inspection equipment allows very rapid inspection and turn-around to ensure your products are safely back on the market as fast as possible.

ISO accredited

Certified to operate a Quality Management System

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Achieve compliance

Food safety standards: HACCP, TACCP, GFSI & GMP

We are ISO accredited to help manufacturers and suppliers achieve regulatory compliance including HACCP and TACCP.

Avoid expensive recalls with our x-ray glass contamination detection services

Whether a CCP has failed or a batch needs to be urgently tested for glass contamination, we will provide an immediate response and assessment.

Free sample inspection

Free, immediate and confidential evaluation

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01933 674 030

AIS’ experienced team are on hand to assess the suitability of your product and packaging and manage a potential recall should the need arise.

Ensure quality and compliance

Our x-ray glass detection and inspection service for food and glass packaging is also available for routine quality checks, at a simple per-unit cost.

Book a free and confidential evaluation or request a call back by our experienced team.

Potential recall crisis?

Our service is always fast and reliable

Routine quality checks

Available at a simple per-unit cost

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    Glass Packaging FAQs

    What packaging types can we inspect for glass contaminants?

    What packaging types can we inspect for glass contaminants?

    Glass detection is possible – to varying resolutions – in loose product, single items and cases or trays of packaged product.

    We can inspect almost any packaged product for glass contaminants: food wrapped in foil and composite metals, cans or even a variety of non-consumable products such as toys and electrical goods – often without unpacking the goods.

    AIS’ x-ray scanners can detect glass within glass packaging down to 2.0mm. We have inspected glass bottles, jars and elaborately shaped glass containers – common for food and drink products as well as personal care products and pharmaceuticals.

    What contaminants and defects can we detect in glass packaging?

    What contaminants and defects can we detect in glass packaging?

    Many contaminant types and packaging defects can be identified simultaneously using x-ray technology.

    Typical examples include:

    • Large glass or metal parts in trays or cases of products – often without unpacking it
    • Small glass, stone or metal fragments in single containers
    • Product agglomerates
    • Fill level inspection
    • Broken bottle necks and other container faults
    • Glass contaminants in glass packaging down to 2.0mm
    What size of glass contaminant can we detect?

    What size of glass contaminant can we detect?

    The size of shard or fragment that we can identify is influenced by the thickness and homogeneity of the product being inspected, as well as the type, size and shape of its packaging.

    Our highest resolution x-ray scanner (the Micron Scan) offers glass detection down to 1.0mm in certain product and packaging types, yet if the container is made from glass or metal, for example, this may increase to 2.0mm.

    We offer a free and confidential assessment to guarantee the highest accuracy for your particular problem.

    What factors can affect the size of physical contaminant detectable within packaging?

    What factors can affect the size of physical contaminant detectable within packaging?

    The size that we can identify is influenced by several factors:

    • The thickness and homogeneity of the food or product within the packaging
    • The density and position of the physical contaminant
    • The type, size and shape of the packaging
    • Whether inspecting single items or whole cases

    We offer a reasonably immediate appraisal of what can be achieved with your product or particular container. Simply send a sample of your product for inspection, or call us – we can often evaluate the issue on the phone.

    How reliable are the inspection techniques?

    How reliable are the x-ray inspection techniques?

    AIS has many years’ of experience in providing specialist x-ray inspection services. We are ISO accredited to help you achieve compliance for potential recall incidents, HACCP and TACCP.

    Over 95% of our business is repeat business from long term clients, mainly within the food and pharmaceutical sectors.

    Reliability can differ due to many factors. We will always give a clear and honest appraisal of what is achievable and be prepared to demonstrate that to you at any time.

    Request a Free Sample Inspection for AIS to evaluate your product and problem.

    Is there a risk in passing food products through an x-ray system?

    What is the risk of passing food products through an x-ray system?

    X-ray inspection which delivers a dose of less than 0.5 Gy to food products is permitted under EU Directive 1999/2/EC.

    The dose received by a product passing through an x-ray system is extremely low, typically for an x-ray linescan system it is less than 0.2 milli-Gy.

    For more detailed information please visit this European Food Information Council article, or see: “How safe is X-ray Inspection?

    Is the x-ray equipment for hire?

    Can I hire x-ray inspection equipment?

    Yes, some of our customisable x-ray inspection systems and metal detectors are available to rent at your premises. These can be hired, subject to availability, on flexible contract periods – usually for an immediate or short term requirement.

    Find out more about X-Ray Inspection Equipment Hire.

    White Papers

    X-Ray Inspection: More Than Just Contamination Detection

    X-Ray Inspection: More Than Just Contamination Detection

    The potential of modern x-ray inspection systems goes way beyond foreign body detection, giving manufacturers a powerful tool to enforce quality control and product integrity.

    X-ray systems – the “Multi-tasking Defenders of Product Quality” – can detect integrity faults before goods leave the factory as well as perform several quality checks simultaneously at high speed: measuring mass, counting components, monitoring fill levels and checking for damaged packaging
    This white paper provides an overview of how x-ray inspection works and takes a more in-depth look at several inspection tasks.

    Go to the Mettler-Toledo website

    How Safe is X-Ray Inspection of Food?

    How Safe is X-Ray Inspection of Food?

    People are right to be wary of radiation, but that doesn’t mean they should be concerned by the use of x-rays in food inspection.

    The use of x-ray inspection equipment is both highly regulated and increasingly common; this white paper assesses the safety of x-ray inspection of food.

    Go to the Mettler-Toledo website

    Read more about how x-ray inspection does not harm food in our FAQs.